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Birthday Reflections

It's my birthday week, and I like to take this time to 'check-in' with myself!

Every year I use this special occasion to step back from life as usual and take a personal inventory. By asking myself some key questions about the past 12 months, I'm able to create an energizing vision for what lies ahead. Why not join me in taking advantage of your own momentous milestones? Use these thought-provoking queries yourself: they may help you realize what's next!

Episode Highlights:

(08:42)  It is possible to have a really wonderful, exhilarating physical experience in this world, regardless of how old you are. It just is. I've noticed a lot of people come to see us and they're in that state, they've reached these ages where they're about to celebrate that milestone birthday, or maybe they've just lost a relative and they're thinking; “I don't wanna live that story”. And they begin to think about their lives and they think: “I don't want to go on living in this body that feels so heavy, I want to be able to move freely, I want my vitality back, I want my health back”. And so these birthdays can be really motivating for some people. It's like, Hey, you know, time's running out, I gotta do this.

(11:02) Another theme for me this year, and it's going to continue … it's always about finding balance. Finding the right balance between work and play and relationships, traveling and having fun, all of that.

(19:19) If you love and respect yourself, your relationships are going to reflect that. So if you are not being treated well by other people, the first thing that needs to happen is you need to ask yourself: how are you treating yourself? Do you love yourself? Do you take yourself seriously? Are you attuned to your own needs? Because if you can't do this for yourself, how could anyone else do it for you? Think about it like that.


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