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Summer Health Hacks


Hey there!

Summer is here, and so are all the fun events and delicious temptations!πŸ‰

But don't worry, Marchelle and I have your back. In this week's episode of the Keep the Weight Off Podcast, we're diving into how to navigate summer challenges and stay on track with your health goals. 🌞

In this episode, you'll learn:

BBQ Strategies πŸ”: How to enjoy summer parties without derailing your progress.

Mindful Drinking Tips 🍹: Avoiding the pitfalls of summer beverages.

Vacation Planning πŸ–οΈ: Staying active and making healthy choices while traveling.

Hydration Hacks πŸ’§: Keeping hydrated to manage cravings and stay healthy.

Mental Preparation 🧠: How to mentally prepare for summer temptations and make mindful choices.

We’ve got practical, actionable tips to enjoy your summer without sacrificing your health!

Tune in now to equip yourself with the tools you need to keep the weight off this summer and beyond. Let's make this summer your healthiest one yet! 🌟

Happy listening!


Episode Highlights:

(06:04) β€ŠThe first thing you want to do is to prepare for summer activities is to prepare yourself mentally. Expect that there's going to be a lot of crap food and sugary drinks and alcohol. Don't be surprised when you get there; do your best to think about all of this ahead of time and decide what you want to do.

Make your choice ahead of time; Am I going to stay on track at this function, or am I going to splurge? A splurge is a perfectly logical choice, as long as you're prepared to deal with the cravings later.

(08:52) There are times when I don't want to be bothered bringing something along, when I'll just eat ahead of time and spend my time just socializing. This way I'm not trying to talk to people with a mouthful of food. It's like you're sitting there and you're trying to multitask. So you can avoid all of that by just eating ahead of time and then socializing once you get to the party.

(20:10) Sometimes what I'll do is if I decide that I want to have a splurge on a vacation, I'll wait until the very last day. Because what I've discovered is if you splurge early on you turn on that dopamine seeking part of your brain. So if you wait until the last day, maybe even the last meal to have a splurge, then the next day you're on the plane home, and you can get right back on track right away.


#Weightloss #LastingWeightloss #Summer #VacationPlanning #HealthGoals


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