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Why A Healthy Lifestyle is Tougher Than You Think!


Hey there!


Are you ready for some real talk about why staying healthy feels like an uphill battle?

This week on the Keep the Weight Off podcast, Dr. Angela and Marchelle dive into the tough realities of maintaining a healthy lifestyle in today's world. Spoiler alert: it's not easy, but it’s definitely worth it! 🌟


🎧 Here’s what you’ll discover in this episode:


The Real Struggle: Understand why being healthy requires constant effort and vigilance.

Cultural Challenges: Discover the societal norms that make weight loss and maintenance so difficult in the U.S.

Convenience Culture: Explore how our fast-paced, convenience-focused lifestyle impacts our eating habits.

Social Conditioning: See how social events and pressures contribute to unhealthy eating patterns.

Stress: Understand the role of stress and productivity culture in our health struggles.

Practical Tips: Get actionable advice on navigating these challenges and making healthier choices.


Tune in to gain awareness and strategies to overcome these obstacles.


Trust us, your future self will thank you! πŸ’ͺ

Stay healthy and empowered!


Episode Highlights:

(06:15) People ask me all the time "Am I always going to have to work this hard?" And the answer is, unfortunately, yes. Now it shouldn't be this way. It shouldn't be this hard, but it is. And it gets easier over time, and it doesn't seem like so much work because it just becomes a normal part of your routine.

(11:47) Do you know that portion sizes are much larger in the U. S. compared to other countries? The portion sizes in restaurants, and even in packaged foods are really much larger than what we actually need. And of course, this leads to overeating and overdrinking. All of this becomes a habit over time because we just become accustomed to those sizes.

(17:15) I feel really bad for teenagers these days. For a teen, the peer group is really important to them because they're going through a developmental stage where they're separating from their family of origin and they're learning a lot about themselves. Part of this is an attachment to a peer group. Back in the old days there was pressure to smoke and now it's socially unacceptable to smoke, now it's pressure to drink sugary coffee beverages, to have treats constantly, or to go out for fast food. The temptations just never end.


#Weightloss #LastingWeightloss #CulturalChallenges #StressEating #HealthyHabits #SocialConditioning


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