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Are You a Victim of Your Own Brain?


🎙️ New Episode Alert! This week on the Keep the Weight Off Podcast, Dr. Angela and Marchelle dive into a common yet frustrating scenario: when you're doing everything "right" but the scale isn't budging—or worse, your clothes feel tighter! 😩

🔍 What you'll learn:

The Brain's Sneaky Tricks: Discover how cognitive distortions, self-deception, and selective attention can fool you into thinking you're on track when you're not.

Understanding Cognitive Distortions: Learn how your thinking might be getting distorted, causing you to miss the reality of your habits.

Self-Deception Explained: Find out how your brain might be protecting your ego by filtering out the truth about your eating habits.

Selective Attention: Understand how you might be unconsciously focusing on the "good" while overlooking the behaviors that are holding you back.

Practical Strategies: Get actionable tips on how to become more aware of these mental traps and start seeing the full picture of your weight loss journey.

Ready to uncover the truth and take control? Tune in now and start making progress you can see and feel! 💪



Episode Highlights:

(11:49) Cognitive dissonance is the mental discomfort that we experience when we try to hold two conflicting beliefs. Let's say you've held a certain belief for a very long time, for example, if you don't eat, you'll lose weight. And then you learn a new fact; you discover that not eating actually causes weight gain. And so there's this cognitive dissonance. It's really uncomfortable, and the brain tries to protect itself from that discomfort.

(17:50) We can't notice everything. We program our attention in advance with our beliefs, and then we look for data to support our beliefs. So depending on what we've programmed into our brain, the brain is going to pay more attention to some things happening in our lives and ignore other things that are happening.

(25:46) Get accountability. It could be a coach or a support group. It could be someone in our Empowered Weight Loss program. If you want to join our membership, you guys can support each other. Maybe even just some sort of tracking system. Assume that there are deceptions and distortions that you can't see.

Ask someone you trust to show you your blind spots. Others are going to notice things that you habitually overlook, providing a lot of valuable insight for you. You really need this objective feedback.


#Weightloss #LastingWeightloss #CognitiveDistortion #SelectiveAttention #Mindset


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