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Uncover the Roots of Your Hidden Roadblocks


Hey there!

This week on the Keep the Weight Off podcast, Dr. Angela and Marchelle dive deeper into the fascinating world of Cognitive Distortions and how they can secretly derail your weight loss progress. If you tuned in last week, you're already on the path to uncovering those sneaky, irrational thoughts. But we're not stopping there—this episode takes it to the next level! 🌟

Here’s what you’ll learn in this powerful episode:

Why We Think This Way: Discover the origins of cognitive distortions, from early life experiences to cultural influences.
- Spotting the Signs: Learn to identify when your mind is playing tricks on you, especially in those moments of stress or negativity.
Breaking the Cycle: Understand how these thought patterns become ingrained and what you can do to change them for good.
Real-Life Examples: Hear personal stories and relatable scenarios that illustrate how pervasive these distortions can be.
Tools for Transformation: Explore practical strategies to reframe your thoughts and break free from distorted thinking.

If you've ever wondered why it’s so hard to keep the weight off, this episode could be the key to unlocking lasting change. 🌟 Tune in and empower yourself with the knowledge to challenge these mental roadblocks!


Episode Highlights:

(08:05) If a child is getting negative feedback or criticism from a parent or caregiver, they will likely develop patterns of negative thinking, such as all-or-nothing thinking, or labeling. Our early experiences are actually really important because they shape our views about ourselves and our view of the world. And these distorted thinking patterns can and do persist into adulthood.

(16:34) Cognitive distortions can be the result of a traumatic experience, especially if it happened when you were young. You're trying to make sense of what happened, and you're trying to protect yourself from future harm. And so it's really common to develop cognitive distortions as a result of that experience.

(30:18) By recognizing the origins of these patterns of cognitive distortions and having this gentle awareness and repetition of healthier thinking patterns, we can begin to challenge and reframe our thoughts, ultimately, leading to healthier and more balanced thinking.

Remember that you can know all there is to know about how to nourish your body well, but unless you address cognitive distortions and develop a new way of thinking, you're likely to regain the weight. So you need so much more than just a food plan and some medications to keep the weight off.


#Weightloss #LastingWeightloss #CognitiveDistortions #BreakingCycles #Transformation #ThinkingPatterns


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