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How I Lost 175# & Kept It Off, With Cassie Becker, Part 2

This week is Part 2 of my very special interview with Cassie Becker, who has lost 175# and kept it off. If you didn’t hear (or watch) last week’s podcast, go back and listen to that one first, and be sure to watch it on the Dr. Angela Zechmann channel on YouTube, because it’s a video interview and I do show pictures of her along her journey.

Cassie started her journey with me at age 32 in December of 2008, when she weighed 340#. In part 2 of our interview we talk about the psychological healing that was necessary. She also talks about an interesting phase when she actually got too thin, and how she discovered what her “perfect weight range” is.

Enjoy Part 2 of the interview!

Episode Highlights:

(12:35) You have to figure out… where is your happy [weight] place, based on what it takes to live there. Because what it took to live at 150# for me was two and a half - three hours in the gym every day.

(18:29) It's important to understand that long-term weight loss is going to have some ups and downs. And that's pretty normal.

(23:42) I will every day of my life, wake up and make a decision that I'm either going to be victim to it [Obesity] or I'm going to conquer it.

(25:41) If you wake up in the morning and you make a choice that's not the best choice … that doesn't mean your day is wrecked. That means you have another opportunity in your next meal to make a better choice. I like to deal in moments and that's something that I learned about addiction, you want to take it moment by moment, not day by day.


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