Journey Beyond Weight Loss

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How "I have to....." Sabotages You

Nov 17, 2021

I had a profound discovery recently as I was being coached by a peer in a coaching program: my brain is hooked on the phrase "I have to..."! I was shocked to see the results of this thinking. Tune in as Marchelle and I discuss how to notice and re...

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Other People's Comments

Nov 10, 2021

When people make comments about your weight loss, how do you feel? Many people feel uncomfortable, or they notice that they start to give themselves permission to overeat. Listen in as Marchelle and I discuss this very important (and surprisingly ...

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Water: A Hidden Weight Loss Secret

Nov 03, 2021

In our clinic and online programs, one of our first recommendations is always to bump up the water intake, but do you know WHY! Turns out there is some good science behind this recommendation. Tune in to hear why, how and how much water you should...

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How to Manage Urges to Overeat

Oct 27, 2021

Your meals are planned and ready to go .... and then someone brings donuts to the office, or your spouse brings home cookies... and there you are, fighting the urge to eat. What do you do in that moment? Join Marchelle and I as we help you figure ...

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Halloween Strategies

Oct 20, 2021

Halloween is nearly upon us.... and the beginning of what I call "Sugar Season"! This is the time between Halloween and Easter when sugar-containing foods and beverages are marketed to us almost constantly. Tune in as Marchelle and I give you some...

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A New Perspective on Failure

Oct 13, 2021

What do you do when you slip and eat junk? Many of us go into a spiral of discouragement and shame that leads us to want to quit our work at getting healthy again. Marchelle and I say, hey, let's stop this now! Let's develop a new way to think abo...

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How to Tell the Difference Between Emotional and Physical Hunger

Oct 06, 2021

Have you ever had the urge to eat something you didn't plan to eat, and wondered if you just didn't plan enough food? OR could it be that this urge is actually an emotional need begging for an answer? Listen in as Marchelle and I decode the differ...

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Who's Making Your Food Decisions?

Sep 29, 2021

Ever wondered why it sometimes feels like, no matter how much resolve you have to lose weight, it's hard to control what you're eating in the moment?  If this is you, I want you to know that you're not alone.... and even better, there's a solution...

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All About Booze

Sep 22, 2021

Ever wonder if your drinking could be hindering your weight loss? We hear this question almost every day. Today, Marchelle and I discuss this in detail, and we'll get you up to date on the latest research on "addiction transfer" which is the tende...

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Why (and how!) We Sabotage Ourselves

Sep 15, 2021

In our Journey Beyond Weight Loss Membership, we have been reading the book The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. It’s a fascinating book, and everyone should read it if they haven’t already. It’s mostly written for business people, but you can take all ...

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