Journey Beyond Weight Loss

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Why We Eat At Night

Apr 22, 2021

Hi there!

Food cravings at night are powerful. What causes them and what can we do to overcome them.

Some of this weeks episode highlights are:
4:18 Three reasons why people struggle with food in the evening.
13:05 What can you do to overcome food ...

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Other People and Your Weight Loss

Apr 14, 2021

Hi there!

By nature, we learn and adapt to the community that surrounds us. When we change our eating habits, it can feel as if we're abandoning the community we know. Here are some tips to overcome these issues, and still stay connected.

Some of...

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Why We Feel So Awful When We Slip

Apr 07, 2021

Hi, it's Dr. Angela!

In the clinic, and in the online Journey Beyond Weight Loss membership, we always notice how much people beat themselves up when they slip and fall back into old eating habits. Let's explore that and discuss ideas to overcome ...

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Scale Woes

Mar 31, 2021

Hi, it's Dr. Angela!

We think the scale is the best way to measure weight loss. However, the scale can be your worst enemy! In this podcast, we explore why it is important to put the scale away, and focus on the correct metrics for tracking your w...

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Marchelle's Sugar Detox Journey

Mar 24, 2021

In Episode 8, Marchelle shares her experience and lessons learned as she worked to eliminate sugar from her diet. Her experience is helpful to others that are looking to make the same change in their eating habits, and how important it is to unders...

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How the Food Industry Hooks Us... with CONVENIENCE

Mar 17, 2021

Episode 7: This episode discusses how the food industry uses the tool of convenience to hook consumers on their products.

Blog Description:
From ready to eat products, freezer to microwave, and fast food drive through, this episode shares some of t...

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How the Food Industry Quietly Manipulates Children (and Their Parents!)

Mar 10, 2021

This is the second in a series about how the food industry has many tools at their disposal to get you to purchase and consume their products. In this episode, we explore their methods to hook children on their products at a very early age through ...

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How the Food Industry Hooks Us - Part 1: Craving

Mar 03, 2021

Today is the first in a series about how the food industry has many tools at their disposal to get you to purchase and consume their products. These weapons have been developed to gain an advantage for them to get you to spend your hard earned doll...

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Marchelle's Story

Feb 26, 2021

Episode 4: Today I'm going to interview my friend and medical assistant, Marchelle, and let her share her weight-loss story and struggle with food.

Raw Transcription Below:

Dr. Angela Zechmann (00:35):

Hey everyone. Welcome back to the podcast. ...

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The (not so sweet) Truth About Sugar

Feb 26, 2021

Episode 3: Today we’re going to talk about one of my favorite subjects, and that’s sugar


Well hello friends and welcome back to the podcast! I’m super excited to be here with you today, teaching you what you need to know to lose weight and more...

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