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Are Processed Foods as Addictive As Nicotine? | Part 2

Apr 26, 2023

Do processed foods have the same addictive potential as nicotine? Join us for Part 2 of our exploration and discover firsthand the science behind this controversial topic! 


Let's take back control and use science to break the power processed f...

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Are Processed Foods as Addictive as Nicotine?

Apr 20, 2023

Got a craving for something processed?

Don't worry, you're not alone - research reveals that pizza and cigarettes have more in common than one might think!

Join Marchelle and I on this two-part podcast as we dig into the science of addiction to sh...

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Game-Changing Weight Loss Medications

Apr 13, 2023

Have you been seeing reports of the recent miraculous weight loss medications taking over headlines?

People have questions - and understandably so! So, why don't we take some time to explore this topic a bit further? Join Marchelle and me as we de...

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The Top 10 Worst Diet Foods

Apr 05, 2023

So you're trying to get healthier and lose weight, but those pesky pounds just won't budge? 

You'd be surprised how many foods labeled as "diet" are actually working against your goal! Find out what these sneaky snacks are this week on the podcas...

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Why Weekends Seem Hard

Mar 31, 2023

The weekend can be infamous for breaking all your hard work, so why not join us on this week's podcast and find out how to combat it?

Stop allowing two days of the week to ruin all that good behavior from Monday through Friday! Learn how you too...

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Birthday Reflections

Mar 23, 2023

It's my birthday week, and I like to take this time to 'check-in' with myself!

Every year I use this special occasion to step back from life as usual and take a personal inventory. By asking myself some key questions about the past 12 months, I'm...

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A Weight Loss Quiz

Mar 16, 2023


How well do you know the principles of weight loss?

Today I thought it would be fun to have a little True/False weight loss quiz, so you can test your knowledge! Follow along with Marchelle as I pose some obvious and not so obvious questions.


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Gone Too Soon

Mar 10, 2023

This week I got some sad news… news that actually impacts all of us in one way or another! I wanted to discuss this on the podcast, and I have had many meaningful conversations about this topic with patients in our clinic and with our Empowered We...

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Marchelle’s Vacation Insights

Mar 02, 2023


Who hasn't been there? You're trying to lose weight, but you go on vacation, and suddenly all your intentions are thrown out the window!

Well, Marchelle faced such a dilemma recently - she encountered some mouthwatering food experiences that...

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OBESITY is NOT a Character Flaw

Feb 23, 2023

Despite the prevalence and growing rates of obesity, many still don't fully understand that weight gain is just one symptom of a much bigger problem. After spending 15 years in Obesity Medicine, I'm here to reiterate this important message: Obesit...

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