With so much bad information and advice out there, where can you turn for good solid and accurate information? Today we discuss the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of weight loss advice and what you need to know to move past that bad information.
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Today we discuss how Dr. Rader was drawn into obesity medicine and what he has learned along the way.
Some of this weeks episode highlights are:
2:35 Looking at age for men, there is a correlation between the disease of obesity and prema...
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How you THINK about your weight loss journey will either MAKE your or BREAK you! Today we explore the importance of how our mental attitude about what we are doing is so critical to our success.
Some of this weeks episode highlights are...
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In this episode we discuss what the "basal ganglia" is in our brain, how that controls automatic functioning and decision making, and how we can leverage that knowledge to modify and improve our eating habits.
Some of this weeks episode...
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One of the keys to keeping the weight off is learning to be in touch with your emotions and understanding how they influence your eating habits and food choices. Meditation is a key activity that can help you get in touch with your feeli...
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Our emotions play a significant part of our world when it comes to eating. In this podcast, we uncover what can be done to identify those issues, analyze the data, and then make appropriate adjustments.
Some of this weeks episode highli...
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Weight loss isn't just 'eat less, lose weight.' There are many internal reasons you react to food the way you do. Learning what those are and how to overcome them is critical to your weight loss success.
Some of this weeks episode highl...
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Leaving decisions about eating and drinking on vacation to chance is risky. Chances are, you'll not make the right decision in the moment. Advance planning will help you navigate your time on vacation more easily.
Some of this weeks epi...
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Shelly and Lisa share the insights they have gained through their participation in the Journey Beyond Weight Loss that can help us all better understand ourselves and our journey to a more healthy life.
Some of this weeks episode highli...
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From the early 1800's until today, our per capita consumption of sugar has skyrocketed, as has the incidence of diabetes. Today we explore this global epidemic.
Some of this weeks episode highlights are:
7:05 Diabetes is the greatest glo...
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