Today I wanted to talk about how to recognize unconscious negative thinking patterns. This is actually a really big subject and frankly, I still catch myself ALL THE TIME!!
We don’t realize it, but negative thoughts are a big problem for us. Why?...
One of the skills that will really serve you in your quest for personal evolution is the ability to do hard things. The ability to do something even when you don’t feel like it.
If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you will have to do a lo...
When they get frustrated, many people on a weight loss journey will say “I just want to eat normally!”
In today's podcast, Marchelle and I ask the question: what exactly do we mean when we say we want to eat normally? What exactly is normal eatin...
Happy New Year from Marchelle and me!!
So many of us set weight loss goals and do well for a week or two, maybe even a month or two, or more … and then something happens and we end up giving up on ourselves and our goals. If this has happened to ...
This time between Christmas and New Years Day has always been for me a time of taking stock: I like to spend some time reflecting on the last year and setting goals for the New Year. I try not to think about them as New Year’s Resolutions, because...
I’ve always loved the holidays. But they can be difficult too. We can put a lot of stress on ourselves to make everything perfect for everyone!
In my experience, the holidays are actually a bit like a magnifying glass. Everything you are usually ...
Recent studies have shown that people who are members of a community and who have the social support of an accountability partner are more successful at keeping weight off. Tune in as Marchelle and I talk about the evidence, about our experience w...
As 2021 draws to a close, I find myself thinking about 2022… and the future I want to create. It feels even more poignant this year as I will turn 60 (!). Tune in as Marchelle and I discuss how to FEEL your way into your future self, and a shortcu...
It's December, and the holidays are upon us! Most people gain quite a bit of weight over the holidays and then wake up on Jan 1 wondering how they're going to get themselves back on track! Today, Marchelle and I discuss an empowered way to approac...
Happy Thanksgiving to all of our US podcast listeners! Today, Marchelle and I have some hints that will help you move through this holiday unscathed. Tune in as we discuss relationships, food, alcohol, and gratitude. If you plan ahead, you will su...
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